This article was part of our annual Cosmic Conference series and this year our focus was all about (re)Designing the Employee Experience. From Sept. 28th - Oct. 21st, 2022 we explored all things EX. Check out all conference sessions and insights here.
Connie Hadley, Founder of the Institute for Life at Work, joined Marilyn in the 2022 #CosmicConference to discuss results from their collaborative research on the impact of mutual knowledge, rituals, and team purpose on job meaning and satisfaction.
In light of the great resignation and the crisis of trust in organizations, there has never been a more important moment to have this discussion.
Watch the video from her session, and read our key takeaways from the research below:
Research Question: Does getting to know teammates better, both personally and professionally, generate more job commitment and purpose?
More than 500 respondents contributed to our survey to help us better explore this research question. Below are some of the takeaways.
Both personal and professional knowledge-sharing rituals can facilitate a sense of closeness, psychological safety, engagement, and commitment to one’s job.
Regular team rituals positively correlate with work satisfaction and fewer thoughts of quitting. This effect can be mediated through a stronger commitment to the team’s purpose.
The pandemic shifted how people think about their jobs. Employee satisfaction and retention correlate strongly with a sense of purpose. Teams are a critical provider of meaning and purpose for individuals, often equally or more important than the general mission of the organization.
Rituals that help to systematically share and receive knowledge about team members can help build critical connection points within teams – connections to each other and to the team’s work.
Each team needs to determine the relevant mix and cadence of effective rituals. A good place to start is by considering existing team rituals, and seeking to complement them.
Need help in implementing team rituals? Download our rituals worksheet to develop new rituals, and check out our rituals bank - it includes a variety of options for different goals (performance, innovation, onboarding, and conflict resolution).
If you're looking for support in building & maintaining human connection at work, book a one-on-one consultation with one of our Centaurs today.